Sunday Worship

Worship is our appropriate response to God’s self-revelation. As a liturgical community we engage in rhythms of prayer and praise. We believe these rhythms greatly assist in hearing and giving voice to the Gospel, so that all may encounter the presence of the living God: Father, Son and Spirit


Common Prayers. We use set prayers from the Anglican tradition to assist our worship. We believe that the liturgy gives our worship a greater depth and breadth while also ensuring our prayers are biblically faithful so that we may together with one voice glorify God.

Congregational singing. While worship is more than music, we acknowledge that music is an important aide for many people to enter more deeply into worship. We use both traditional hymns and modern praise songs.

Biblical Preaching. We preach sermons that honour God’s Word, communicating both its truth and grace. We believe that biblical preaching is the best way to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, so that all may hear the good news and its implications for our lives.

Weekly Communion. The Lord’s Supper reminds us of the significance of Christ’s death so we may respond with thanksgiving. We believe that partaking of Communion every Sunday greatly helps us keep the good news of Jesus’ saving work at the centre of our lives so we may be nourished and refreshed by it.

Warm Hospitality. We aim to make every guest or visitor feel welcome. We encourage everyone to join us for post-service refreshments so we may connect and encourage one another.